Pumpkin arrives!

Liam’s first ride!

After months as Pumpkin, Liam Xiong Williams entered the world in the middle of the night on May 22!

Shown here in his new car seat on his first ride home, Liam weighed in at 6 pounds even, with a height of 19 inches.

He was born naturally after M labored in the hospital for only two hours, and Ben caught him as he was born (with an assist by the midwife) and was able to cut the cord after a few minutes.

The past week has been somewhat of a blur for us, with a small amount of sleep peppered with nursing, and feeding ourselves with the help of many of our awesome friends and family who have been bring food over nonstop. Thanks guys!

M&L in the nursing nook

As of today we have the dogs back from Sarah and Jesse’s where they were spending their vacation. Before that they visited their friend Saidee with Eric and Lindsee. But now they’re home, and seem to love Liam, luckily! Who wouldn’t?

Yuki has licked his head a few times, and Tashii sniffs him nonstop and likes to hang out under the nursing glider.

Despite a pretty light birth weight, Liam lost a few ounces in the first few days. But he has been gaining weight since Friday and hopefully with his seemingly nonstop feeding schedule will be back up to birth weight this week sometime.

Action pose!

Liam’s middle name is Xiong, which is the Romainzation of the Chinese character 熊 (xióng), meaning “bear.” It’s part of Ben’s Chinese name, and Bear is also his nickname from birth (to his mom anyway) and incidentally, Liam’s cousin Asher’s middle name is Dov, which also means bear! So lots of significance there.

He continues to amaze and delight us and we look forward to the days weeks and years to come!

Welcome, Liam!!

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